​​​​​​​Made with Sparkle​

We provide everything under one roof: design, equipment, installation, SCADA and maintenance

Our team consists of professional designers, developers and installers

We work all over the country and beyond, but our main offices can be found from the cities of Tampere and Oulu in Finland.

We have customers from homes to industry.

International research projects and our collaboration with Tampere University of Technology form the core of our R&D activities. 

The research projects provide us a possibility to be involved in world-class applications development and therefore establish our position as a technological pioneer.


firstname.lastname (at) fi-offgrid.com


    System Architect

    Tommi Vahtera

    +358 50 501 9190

    Head of Oulu Office

    Mika Viitala

    +358 50 346 9939

    Project Specialist

    Kristian Pihlava

    +358 50 331 7389

    Project Engineer

    Vesa Vahtera

    +358 50 308 2242

    Project manager

    Pasi Ylirisku

    +358 40 5808233 

OffGrid Oy

VAT: FI29923247  

Tampere Headoffice

Eteläpuisto 2c

33200 Tampere

Oulu office

Kaarnatie 24

90530 Oulu

contact us by email: info@fi-offgrid.com

ata acquisitio